Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Thats me! I have been testing a lot of stuff out. I want to get into photo/micro blogging a bit more. It is super easy, and a lot more interesting to look at media rich stuff then text about things no one cares about. Soooo, tumblr is beautiful, I might be moving there. Then again, people already look at my facebook, and my iphone app is really good at uploading photos on the fly. I have an aversion to notes for some reason... Me thinks some variation of the two. Check back for updates. Until then, I'll still be looking for a job.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ZOMG! Did he just do that?

Purchased MarsEdit. Jobless (but looking). Graduated. Updates? Yes. Add my feed. Revamp time.

rss? nowayz?!


Just read about this article on ars. Sounds similar to chip-based music players in the past, but not for your four year old. I am all in favor of changing the format from CD to what looks like micro SD-would cut down on packaging, materials and transportation costs all around(yay environmentalism). But ars is right, the whole point of digital music is that its digimalz! I shouldn't have to carry anything around! CDs are big, they get scratched and are motor based... We are always going to need a physical format (or are we?), so why not?

Labels launch slotMusic format, miss point of digital music: "

These days, digital music is all about convenience. Despite that, SanDisk and the Big Four labels have introduced microSD cards with preloaded albums that users can just pop into their portable devices. The physical format ship has sailed and slotMusic is destined to sink.



(Via Ars Technica.)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Geotagging on the fly with Eye-Fi Explore

Yeah yeah, updates. Graduation is coming. I'm busy.

But I just picked up this story over at Ars, and it was just a little to cool/relevant to pass up. Eye-Fi is a company that makes SD cards for your camera, and they recently rolled out with new ones. SD cards are no big deal, so why talk about them? Well the newest ones have all kinds of tricks up their sleeve. For instance, the Eye-Fi Share gives you the ability to store 2 GB worht of photos, and then upload said photos to your computer wirelessly. Through the SD card. What?! You can also upload to Flickr and whatever site you want. Wirelessly. Through your SD card. What?!

The one I like is the Eye-Fi Explore. Which is an SD card, but basically has a functional GPS like ability to figure out where you are, and then record Geotags for each picture as it is taken. This rocks the socks right off expensive GPS cameras, and programs that you have to run your photos through in post. The little guy uses Skyhook, which is the service that uses WiFi hotspots and the like to determine location. Soooo, if you are in the Sierras... it probably won't work. But still, pretty cool considering its ALL IN YOUR SD CARD. Would be pretty cool for a suburban geocacher. Ars says it runs $130, so its not for the weak at heart.

As for me. School is almost over. Woo!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bucket List: Tacoma

We all know that Tacoma has all things that are good. But sadly, my friends and I will be turning our backs on the City of Destiny in May to take on the world! People are starting to make lists of all the things they have to do before saying goodbye. I thought about it for awhile and looked at many sites on Tacoma, and made an extensive list. There are a lot of things I haven't done. The more I think about it, the longer it gets. If you have any other suggestions, let me know in the comments. If you want to check something off the list, call me! Check back to see how it all goes!

Bucket List: Tacoma

Sunday, April 6, 2008


OK. Serious blog rethinking time. Time to change the layout, the.. well everything... Lets start with editing. Time to give this whole MarsEdit thing a try.

First things first, HTML! Holy Guacamole! watch watch!


I'm tired of digging through layers of menus just to figure out out to center stuff. Journler has a nice feel to it, but does not work well with blogginess. MacJournal is ok, but to me, its just that, ok. iWeb is shiny, but doesn't have the text editing/RSS/email feel to it. Its a web page creator. Maybe Journler mixed with iWeb? nononono... HTML! Now just to decide if it is worth 30 buckaroos.

When it comes to any program that involves text and publishing, its really interesting how people expect it to work like MS Word. Just look at the progression of the iWork apps. Pages is picking up more and more aspects of Word. Its kinda funny, but standards are standards for a reason. Does this stifle innovation? maybe. I am a Mac user, but still, I want my toolbars!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

27th District Caucus...

Sitting at Jason Lee, I was outraged, I had one thing on my mind. Introducing my new tag: I’m Blogging This


iPhone: I have been at the Jason Lee middle school since 8 am (its now noon). Only now are they getting through the 4th of the 30-something prisincts... I'll be here for another several hours. Moral of the story, people are incompitent, especially en masse.. More to come



Holy Cow...

What a horrible process this is. They were describing how this year, the caucus would happen at break-neck speeds thanks to the wonder of technology! We weren’t done with figuring out if everyone was there until 2 PM. That is 6 hours of sitting in a hot, sweaty hall filled with a whole bunch of crazies. I had a woman sing to me. She actually sang a song. About democracy. I tried to escape, but she followed me. She had a whole repertoire about the corruption of the government, and how the democrats will save the day.

I was an alternate delegate, but was eventually seated around 12:50 because none of the real delegates actually showed up. There was then a big confusion/miss communication over what came next. This was when I realized how dumb the whole thing was.

Grass Roots?!

The whole point of a caucus is to encourage grass roots politics. You all get together, discuss and well, caucus. But in an effort to streamline the process, the modern caucus involves assembling and then listening to minute long speeches from each side. The kicker is that the campaigns pick in advance who is going to give the speeches, so there is really no grass roots anything going on. Also, 1 minute speeches? You would have to be an expert at framing to be convincing at all in that amount of time. Basically, by the end of the speeches, nothing is different except people are that much more ticked off because they are losing that much more of their Saturday.

Once speeches and registration was done, the next step involved voting on the delegates that would go on to other caucuses... But really, who cares? The division of delegates is the same for each candidate, if someone thinks they should go, let them. Suddenly I realized was duped into this. Delegates are completely symbolic. They represent a vote. In a past system, maybe their voice mattered, but not anymore. If a precinct delegate didn’t show up, minus one vote for that candidate. One is no big deal, a lot might throw things off. So once I got my arm band as a delegate, I was entered into the system. As far as the presidential race is concerned, thats all that matters. So then I ask, why am I wasting my Saturday? We didn’t sit and have a ceremonious vote for a candidate or anything, we are just a further symbolic representation of what happened in the first caucus, minus the people too lazy to show up.

Why couldn’t they just count the people who signed up? Why did they have to have us physically there in order to count us? Why did they ruin my weekend? And why did they call me when I got home and ask why I wasn’t there?! I HAVE AN ARM BAND!

Caucuses are a good idea for small things. In the current system, primaries are the only way to go.

Technology could have helped in SO many ways. Swipe ID when you show up, computer then automatically figures out who is there and who isn’t instantly. The computer then calls the alternates needed to tell them to come (or provides a list to volunteers to make the call). Hooray, we just saved 6 hours of day light! Now we can talk and discuss, forget that we are all set in our ways and bickering, there is one undecided delegate here!!! Hooray for democracy!

Anyway... back to school.