Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Yeah so instead of actually doing any work for class, I have been applying for an Internship!!

Shit Son!

It looks pretty cool! Basically it is the middle man for companies like iTunes and the indies. Soooo music+digits=happy boy! Lets just hope paid plays into that equation so I will be a happy and not hungry boy!

Yeah... So I'm not too sure what the point of all this is... considering no one will actually read this. I suspect blog ≠ livejournal and that even if someone did stumble upon this by mistake, they would quickly close the window or kill themselves... haha. Well, look for more thematic posts in the future! Such topics may include:

  • Geocaching!
  • Biking/Hiking/Scenery of Marin County
  • Music technology and distribution
  • Uninformed Tech Rants

Just check for future tags!

And now.... time for class.

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