Saturday, October 20, 2007


Yeah, so I don’t update so much when I’m in school... According to my new iCal in Leopard, I’m busy:

But Navizon seems to be working on the mac now. They updated their client so it sees wifi. Will test to see if it works with the GPS soon. Marin isn’t in their database, so I might do a bet of driving around and see if I can’t make a buck or two filling in the gaps!

UPS (my school) puts off a newspaper called The Trail Its written by students and funded by the ASUPS student government. Its articles are horrible, and people didn’t really read it until they added the “Hey You!” section, a page long piece full of one sentence anonymous shout outs. Everyone is always so excited for the week’s trail to read the funny, and awkwardly personal, Hey you’s! Real Politzer winning stuff.... Well someone finally came up with a satirical newspaper, The Anti-Trail. Its crude. Its rude. It is amazing. On one page, it rips on every problem the campus has, and for some reason refuses to fix. Satire and comedy really is the way people my age find out whats up. Look for a link later! Hooray for things to distract us from our studies.

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