Monday, June 4, 2007

Roy's to White Hill

Sean and I have been aching to go on a truly EPIC hike. Right now our goal is to hike from his house to Stinson Beach. Woo. But because I'm fat, we have been working our way up to it. So, we decided to depart from Roy's Redwoods and hike east back toward town. We aren't much for trails, so once we hit open space, we took off into gullies and up ridges. Moral of the story, it was the longest 5 mile hike I have ever been on. I honestly would have taken more pictures were it not for Kristin's 32 MB flash card. 32 MB?! I thought you were a photographer! I'll bring my 1gb from now on! :P

We first stopped off at the Roy's Redwood's Geocache to see how it was doing. Ammo boxes are awesome, and one day I will replace all my GladWare with them. We then continued up the trail and through a barbed wire fence. Being the outdoors-men we are, we decided to take a shortcut through a fun looking little valley. This was instantly a bad decision as we realized that the only pleasant thing in this valley was Sticky Monkey Cock(the name Brendan calls Sticky Monkey Plant). By this, I mean we were completely surrounded by poison oak. Sean, because of his dirty redskin blood is immune, that jerk! Im not, so he would step on vines while I vaulted over the deadly shrubs. Once we cleared the valley, we named it, The Poisonous Valley of Oaks!

On our way to our destination, we found two large green circles. There was no water to be found, but these Emerald Oases were truly a sight to see among the golden hillside. Eventually, we finally got to our "destination," a large out cropping of rock we affectionately call Old Man's Perch due to its resemblance to Sean's mothe... i mean grandpa. Sean, the horticulture expert discovered some Blessed Thistle, a fancy burgundy thistle that is apparently good in food. A rare find indeed. Too bad they were all infested with meal worms!

Now that we were in the middle of no where, I was getting hungry and decided it was time to head back and eat. SO, we decided we would hike up to the ridge and walk along it until we got to the White Hill pass and find a ride into town. By the time we got to the ridge, we realized we were on private property. Every airplane sounded like a truck coming around the next turn on the fire road, causing us to hurl ourselves off the edge of the road and into the bushes. Before long we came to our senses and finally reach the Loma Alta Reserve. Here we hiked down the hill side and discovered and wooded area surrounding a large mound of rock. Against the mound, someone had built walls out of layered stone and attempted to thatch a roof. This shattered den, with a little of work will some day be The Assembly Halls of the Fellowship. The home of Team Inferno! We are going to get a big horn. And call the fellowship. It will be awesome.

Eventually we reached White Hill Middle School. There Sean saw one of his fellow coaches who gave us water! Bonus! Kristin couldn't pick us up because she was hanging out with him who shall not be named. Keeley was working some show and no one else was around. We were walking back along Drake toward Fairfax, calling my dad for a ride, how horrible... WHEN SUDDENLY MIA DROVE BY! She honked her horn and waved. I chased the car waving my arms in the air. When I talked to her about why she didn't pull over, she said she was already on her way to the valley and it would have been too dangerous to pull over. Thats right on Drake in Fairfax, into a parking lane. *sigh* new drivers. We'll get her back. Eventually my dad picked us up (hooray!) and dropped Sean and I off back at my car. Then we got burritos at Mi Pueblo! ¡DELICIOSO!

Hopefully this isn't too boring, future posts will be better, I swear!

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