Friday, August 10, 2007

The Abbey

Today we had a lot planned, and didn’t really make it to everything. We got up early and had breakfast at the breakfast club which was pretty good. We are finally confident to order tap water, so no more paying through the teeth for watery refreshment!

My Dad wanted to stroll over to an old Temple of the Knights Templar. Built waaaay back when. We got there, and sadly it was closed. But it was a very cool courtyard!

A short tube ride across the Thames took us back to Westminster Abbey where we took the tour. It is filled with many many old dead people, many of which were Kings and Queens, all of which were crazy rich. It was fascinating how much time went into the effigies and tombs, while time itself wore much of all the work away. The floor was smooth from millions of feet shuffling across it, wearing away the names of those buried beneath. On many of the inscriptions, the person’s life story, along with any rich relatives was often described. One in particular interested me because the man had lead a noble life, fighting the Moors, killing the Moroccan King, and even defending the town against an uprising partially lead by his own son! For some reason, they took the guy to the Tower and cut off his head... All thanks to that no good son... Atleast after hundreds of years, people are still learning his story! The oldest grave I could find was from the year 1080! wow! Sadly, photos weren’t allowed in the cool parts.... But check out the pictures of the flying buttresses in the map! So cool!

This experience took all day so we couldn’t make it to the British Museum, so instead we took a detour passed Buckingham Palace on our way back to Trafalgar Square. The queen was out, so there weren’t many cool guards, but it was still a pretty neat sight to see. In front of the palace is a memorial for Queen Victoria, and many gates, each labeled with a country of the commonwealth. Never before, and never again do I think I will see a giant stone kangaroo!

The Mall from the palace took us where we wanted to go. We got back in time to have fish and chips at a pub, and then ran over to the square to see an Indian dance and light show! There was a 4 piece band playing very ethereal music, while the dancers swayed back and forth. When it was dark, a crane lifted a bunch of white sacks in the air. Suddenly, they burst open, revealing angels (who in the end turned out to be men dressed as women, but that is besides the point), who threw snow and glitter on the dancers bellow. It was really a sight to see. With the lights, the dancers, the instruments, the angels, and Admiral Nelson looking down on it all, it was pretty astounding!

Anyway, tonight’s our last night in London. Make sure to click the buttons on the map bellow, and comment! yes! comment! well... when i post the map... do it! Check back for adds!!!

Check out the pictures here ->
and here! ->

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