Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ultra Modern!

Today we went to Tate Modern, the modern art museum off of the Thames. There was an exhibit on city density around the world which was really interesting. Mumbai is crazy, and one shouldn’t live there unless they reallllllly like other people... And sewage. Then upstairs there was a DalĂ­ exhibit. It was really cool. All the drippy clocks and really random paintings. His films were pretty funny. I personally think he was selling out towards the end, but oh well. The rest of the museum was interesting. There was a running theme of a man tripping over a dog. It was funny at first, but in the end, I honestly think anything could go up in a modern art museum. Sedaris’s book Me Talk Pretty Someday explains it all.

We also tubed on over to Trafalgar Square to check out an Indian Music Festival. It was pretty cool, but we literally caught the tail end of it. London is a pretty town, so I am glad we are hopping all over it. We got pizza we had to eat with a fork, and then Laura and I went to a pub. It was called the Hope and Anchor pub, and there were Specials, Selector and Madness memorabilia from when they performed there last! OHHHH MAN. I wish I was there for that!

Apple just updated the OS to 10.4.10 and apparently broke part of Google Earth... So no maps for awhile... But I just found a work around involving some fussing with Package contents.... Maybe I’ll try...


haha woo! oh those silly programmers...

maps up soon! For now... look at these:
AHHHHH!!!! click here to see the good ones BIG! ->


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